If you're still using DVDs to back up your files, it's about time for you to go for the external hard drive. why? This is the cheapest way to back up the data on your hard drive today is with another hard drive. Either an external hard drive, which connects to your computer using USB or Firewire port or an internal model will suffice.
Remember when budgeting for data storage to think about buying twice the amount you'll need - half for your files and programs, and the other half for the backup of those files and programs. With 160GB hard drives are out into the market, fast and effective backups are within the reach of many.
Remember when budgeting for data storage to think about buying twice the amount you'll need - half for your files and programs, and the other half for the backup of those files and programs. With 160GB hard drives are out into the market, fast and effective backups are within the reach of many.
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